"You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared." ~ Ezekiel 28:13 (NIV) Watch "King of Tyre - The Most Descriptive Detail of Lucifer in The Bible" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTseY5UvI7I Lucifer was a guardian cherub and a member of the seraphim, the highest choir of angels. Lucifer was tasked with leading the entire angelic army in Yahweh's worship and duty. Lucifer in his free will chose to rebel against God and attempted to steal His authority. Because of his hubris or extreme pride, he was ejected from Heaven and thrown down to the ground as a result of his rebellion. Revelation 20:10 reads, "And the devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone...
You're a passionate artist! You just recorded a masterpiece and excited about sharing it with the world. Your artistic expression means everything to you and therefore choose to release your phenomenal work independently rather than have it compromised in anyway. You mean what you sing and record what you mean. Before sharing it publicly, there are some important steps to make when releasing your music independently. You must protect your art. After all, it's your dedication, blood, sweat and tears that brought you this far. So be creative and safe! First thing's first. Have you copywritten your songs? If not, please Copyright your songs with the Library of Congress. Here is the link to register an account and get started: Electronic Copyright Office (eCO) - 3 . You must protect your work. These are your thoughts; your feelings put into words and tunes. You don't want anyone trying to rip you off, and with a copyright, you won't have to fight! Next, it's tim...