Heavenly Father, I come to you as humbly as I know how seeking peace for anyone reading this right now. I ask that you first examine our hearts and if there is anything that is not of you, please remove it and forgive us for all wrongdoings. We thank you for your grace and mercy bestowed upon us daily, but Lord we need peace! This world is in an uproar. So many are hurting everywhere. There are mass shootings, wars and ongoing devastations. It's too much to bear. Believers are losing hope and others choose not to believe. We need you right now in the midst of chaos to remind us that we have victory in You! All is not loss, and we are not forgotten, for you said that you would never leave us nor forsake us. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning for we are putting our trust in You right now Jesus. We call on You because you're the only One who can fix it. You're the only One who can heal the sick and calm the rough seas of life. I ask that you bless anyone reading this prayer right now Lord, do not delay. Assure them of your love and care for them. They are in the best hands when holding onto your unchanging hand. Lift them up and fill them up with your holy spirit. May the peace that surpasses all understanding dwell in their hearts and minds as they continue to seek You, praise You and believe in You! Don't let them falter but hold them up with your mighty hand. May they be blessed with unspeakable joy and hope in Christ Jesus! Right now, I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus, name above all names! Glory Hallelujah Amen! 🙌
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